A Message from the CRJS President
- June 2024
In recent years, school leaders at all levels have been asked by different stakeholders to issue public statements in response to current events. Social media can heighten this pressure, as I can attest from personal experience as a leader of a Jesuit, Catholic high school during the COVID pandemic and protests occurring throughout the US in 2020 and 2021.
As a Jesuit school that provides access to educational and professional pathways to underserved students, CRJS’s mission and values should be clear to all of our constituents: Cristo Rey Jesuit Seattle is a Catholic high school that seeks to enflame the intellects and spirits of our students by integrating rigorous college-prep academics, professional work experience, and faith development, empowering students to flourish as scholars and citizens.
We expect our students to grow into engaged citizens who develop well-informed viewpoints on a variety of issues, including questions of social justice.
A paramount academic goal of CRJS is to teach students how to think critically about challenging issues, not what to think. In general, CRJS leadership does not intend to issue statements on current events on behalf of our faculty, staff, students, parents, Board, the Catholic Church, or the Society of Jesus. When events specifically impact our students or staff, CRJS leaders may respond.
If Church or leaders from the Society of Jesus issue statements regarding current events, we may pass them on to our stakeholders, especially if specifically asked to do so by our Provincial or the Archbishop of Seattle. In general, however, our community should not expect CRJS leaders to issue statements on current events. Students and staff who make public statements should make it clear that they are speaking for themselves, not the school.
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School will provide a prophetic voice in the community through our work.
As St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuits, was fond of pointing out, “Love is shown more in deeds than in words.” We hope you will watch our actions and not expect to hear foreign or domestic policy pronouncements, unless events directly impact our students, their families, or our staff. Thank you as always for your support.
Paul Hogan
CRJS President
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